A whole new world 

Dear baby Eva,

So much to catch you up on and so little time. I’m watching you on the monitor trying to settle yourself after a short wake up fifty minutes after going to sleep. It’s been an odd day on the sleep front with a super long two hour nap this morning and a ninety minute late nap this afternoon.  it makes me nervous when you sleep like this in the day. It’s like the calm before the storm.  i I strongly suspect teeth are the culprit.  

Speaking of teeth and catching you up you currently have your two front top and bottom teeth and today another top one has poked through with another close behind.  

Wow is all I have to say to you at the moment.  these last few days have been incredible, you have been incredible.  you are looking at the world in a completely different way. Toys that you used to just bash or eat are now being pushed  stacked and explored.  you are dancing when you hear music, clapping, waving and pointing, listening and laughing at me when I say no, standing up for a short time solo. the list goes on. you are a little human now, no longer a baby but my baby forever.  Sorry.  night times have been consistently inconsistent and I have to say I am just a little bit shattered at the moment.  it is just one good night followed by one bad at the moment.  developmental,  almost definitely.

Mummy has been super busy making growth charts for Christmas orders.  I’m hoping that I will have finished them all by December so we can enjoy some fun, festive time. In my head this is likely to be my last month off so let’s make it a good one.  I’m dreading the thought of going back to work in any capacity.  Not being around to see your face makes feel very sad. But it was a choice we made when we moved into this house and we want to give you nice things and take you to nice places so unfortunately it isn’t optional. I have come to the conclusion that I need a job rather than a career though as daddy gets stressed in his job so mummy needs to be able to just leave work at work and come home relaxed. 

Other exciting news is we have a slow cooker again.  a lovely gift from nanny.  I am hoping it will revolutionise our day to day life’s. when we started baby led weaning I was so excited and enthusiastic. I took photos of every thing you ate. fast forward four months and it’s a different story. trying to think of and prepare three nutritionally balanced meals each day is exhausting not to mention the mass clean up operation after.  you have started using a spoon which is big news.  

Mummy and daddy was married for six years on Sunday.  to celebrate we had our first date might since you was born. we have had lunch dates but never an evening out. we decided to go to the spa as it was local and sounded relaxing.  nanny and poppy came to look after you.  what a lovely evening we had. we took chocolates and prosseco and just floated around in the swimming pool enjoying having a bit of adult time.  I feel a bit beat up at the moment with you forever pinching me, pulling my hair and sticking your fingers in my eyes and upy nose.  I don’t mind boo boo it’s your way of exploring and developing but having a bit of me time, floating with no weight on my body was the thing of dreams.

 until next time princess. 

Love mummy 

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